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Nintendo Company, Limited (Japanese: 任天堂, ニンテンドー Nintendō; NASDAQ:, TYO: 7974 ) is a multinational corporation founded on September 23, 1889[1] in Kyoto, Japan by Fusajiro Yamauchi to produce handmade hanafuda cards, for use in a Japanese playing card game of the same name.[2] In the mid-twentieth century, the company tried several small niche businesses, such as a love hotel and a taxi company.[3] Over the years, it became a video game company, growing into one of the most powerful in the industry. Aside from video games, Nintendo is also the majority owner of the Seattle Mariners, a Major League Baseball team in Seattle, Washington. Nintendo also purchased a sizable portion of Gyration Inc, a company specializing in gyros and motion sensors, in 2001. As of 2006, Nintendo's main competitors on the gaming front are Sony and Microsoft.
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